Hardwood 2nds
The price now includes the cost of the net bag at £7.50 as part of our Bags 4 Life scheme. If you have a bag to return or just want the bag tipped out and don’t need the bag just type Bag4LifeM into the coupon tab when you place your order and you will be discounted £7.50.
The Metre bags (previously known as XL bulk bags) of seconds offer fantastic value for money, cut from the same lengths of timber that make up the 1sts but containing all the off cuts, irregular shaped and knotted logs but we’ve split these logs down more than our normal 2nds to be suitable for small stoves. The average moisture content below 25%.The bags are 1m x 1m x 1m. Our price includes delivery with no hidden charges.
If you don’t want to keep the bag we can tip the bag for you and apply the Bag 4 Life discount. If you’d rather have the logs delivered in the bag you pay the full amount but keep a hold of the bag and we’ll give your discount on your next order.
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